This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A nice bright Monday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

A quick entry. I need to write more tonight. I also need to write to Norma.

It is a lovely day. Im heading off to Stirling now for a few hours and then to Dundee. I should be home by 4 which will be nice.

A nice bright Monday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey today was a bit busy

I was in Stirling for 8.30 and did a couple of club visits

Spent a few hours in the office and then had a very brief visit to Richard

Called in at Dunblane on the way to Dundee and set up a meeting for Friday

Dundee was interesting ( not particulalry in a good way). I am glad that I have 2 more opportunities to observe them as today was very led by the permanent staff so not a lot of chance for N and M to show their skill and understanding

I was home by 5 and Bill was setting up my new printer. I am convinced that this is going to revolutionise my life. He had also shampooed the carpet which is great.

I went for a lovely sleep. im now going to take Finn out and then have something to eat.

Im working at home tomorrow. I will find it so much easier being able to print as I go instead of having to save things up to take upstairs or into the office.

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