Journal Entries

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Bill is coming home today and Chris and Lizzie are off to Kendal Calling via a night at the cottage

It is very wet which is a pain in the bum as the washer died last night and I have sheets and towels unspun and on the line now

I have a meeting re my SVQ this am and will then pop in to see Richard, need to go to the office and then off to Dunblane to do an observation. Home for a while and then back down tonight for a meeting at Thornhill. I need to do the folder for tomorrow either this afternoon or first thing tomorrow morning.

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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2010

A much better day

Well apart from walking the dog, having a swim, doing some emails, faffing about in ML and doing some housework and some ordinary work I have spent the day working on my course and can really see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

it is a lovely day. I am going to take a break and then do a bit more logging of my evidence this eveningsmiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 27, 2010

Not a very good day

I havent had the best of days today. I woke up really early and had loads to do before going through to Stirling. I sorted a few things out with Anne et al and then went to see R and fell asleep. I didnt have time to go into the office because of this and so had to go straight up to see Katie. Set something up with her and then went through to Cumbernauld. Back to Stirling where I faffed rather than did anything meaningful. I just wanted to eat and had curry and chips and a cheese thing on the way home and then ate a load of crackers ( without butter thankfully). I went for a sleep and then took Finn out. He was really pulling which makes me think that Lizzie hasnt had him out for proper walks today.

I have to spend tomorrow working on my course and also have to do some work for Thursday. Im going to start writing up all the reports after that and can then send the bill in.

Tax needs to be paid this week.

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 2010

Sunday again

I forgot to write my journal yesterday

It was a very nice day. We went to Dundee first and had a look at The Tay from a really nice vantage point and of course I showed them the houses that I love. We then drove over the Tay Bridge and had our picnic lunch.

we went on to St Andrews and mam and Peter went to look at the golf course. Dad and I just stayed at the car. The weather was lovely and sunny.

We then drove out of town and I was delighted when looking for a cuppa stop to come across Cambo House. I have always wanted to go there and it was as lovely as I had hoped. The owner Sir Peter Erskine came out to talk to us. I am very taken with the place as I knew I would be ( they allow dogs and have dog bowls for them to drink from ) and want to go back soon with Bill and Finn. We headed home after that.

in the evening we went to the Glovers Arms. I invited Cameron as well so there were 7 of us. Early to bed.

I had a bit of a broken night but then slept until 8.

I have made lentil soup for lunch. Mam and Dad will be here soon and then we are going up to Stanley Mills. They are leaving after lunch and then i need to work.

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2010

A lovely day off

I woke up to find the sun was splitting the ground

I went for a very nice swim and have then just pottered and had Finn out. He seems to have hurt one of his back legs

I am not doing much today. I am very very tired all the time

I have booked a weekend away for Bills birthday to The Marine at N Berwick. Finn is coming too.

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2010

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