This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Not a very good day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I havent had the best of days today. I woke up really early and had loads to do before going through to Stirling. I sorted a few things out with Anne et al and then went to see R and fell asleep. I didnt have time to go into the office because of this and so had to go straight up to see Katie. Set something up with her and then went through to Cumbernauld. Back to Stirling where I faffed rather than did anything meaningful. I just wanted to eat and had curry and chips and a cheese thing on the way home and then ate a load of crackers ( without butter thankfully). I went for a sleep and then took Finn out. He was really pulling which makes me think that Lizzie hasnt had him out for proper walks today.

I have to spend tomorrow working on my course and also have to do some work for Thursday. Im going to start writing up all the reports after that and can then send the bill in.

Tax needs to be paid this week.

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Not a very good day

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