This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Sunday again

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I forgot to write my journal yesterday

It was a very nice day. We went to Dundee first and had a look at The Tay from a really nice vantage point and of course I showed them the houses that I love. We then drove over the Tay Bridge and had our picnic lunch.

we went on to St Andrews and mam and Peter went to look at the golf course. Dad and I just stayed at the car. The weather was lovely and sunny.

We then drove out of town and I was delighted when looking for a cuppa stop to come across Cambo House. I have always wanted to go there and it was as lovely as I had hoped. The owner Sir Peter Erskine came out to talk to us. I am very taken with the place as I knew I would be ( they allow dogs and have dog bowls for them to drink from ) and want to go back soon with Bill and Finn. We headed home after that.

in the evening we went to the Glovers Arms. I invited Cameron as well so there were 7 of us. Early to bed.

I had a bit of a broken night but then slept until 8.

I have made lentil soup for lunch. Mam and Dad will be here soon and then we are going up to Stanley Mills. They are leaving after lunch and then i need to work.

Sunday again

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hi there

Check this out:

I've ordered the book. Perhaps you'd care to read it when I'm done with it. The whole medical model of mental illness story again.

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