Journal Entries

Going Home

I lost my entry yesterday due to the computer going blue screen just at the point i was going to post.

I will catch up on what I had done when I get home

Just heard from M that the offer from Cambridge isnt as high as she had hoped so she is unlikely to come. Personally i think that she should take it as she hasnt got a job after october but easy for me to say as Im not having to sell up and move a dog and a teenager half way around the world.

Im having crumpets for breakfast. I am desperate to get home and get on with more coursework but Bill isnt even up yet and has all his packing to do. as usual he has brought a huge amount of stuff that he then didnt use.

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2010

A Settle to Carlisle railway kind of day

Had a fab meal at marco polo in Newcastle

got to cottage about 10.30 and straight to bed

I was up to check lizzie was up at 4.30 and she was. She is off tomorrow thankfully. She thinks she is going to be breakfast manager so will be on that shift all the time

off on the train today. Elevenses at melmerby and then on the train at langwathby. The mackins are getting on at Appleby

bill reminded me that settle where we are going is where Giggleswick is where Andrew went to school.

Finn is living being here. He sits on the bedroom windowsill looking out

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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2010

An early start again

I set the alarm for 4.30 and took Cameron home and Lizzie to work.

I am going to go back to bed now. Dundee this am and then off to Newcastle via a stop off in Edinburgh this afternoon

I feel a whole heap better than i did yesterday

It was as I had suspected a bitty day. It was also very hot.

Richard had his appt and it is gallstones which is a huge relief.

Right back to bed for a while.

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Latest reply: Aug 5, 2010

Bad start to the day

Bill moaned so much about the alarm being set so that I could get up with lizzie that last night I didnt set it and she was meant to wake me so that i could then make her a cuppa. As it was she didnt wake up until 10 mins after she was meant to be there. Im sure it happens all the time when people start the earlies but she was mortified. I will set the alarm tomorrow as Bill wont be here and will have to work out what to do Friday. I could set the alarm and then ring her I suppose. Sat she is off and Sunday doesnt start until 6am!!!!!!

Today is a bit bitty. I no longer need to go to Stirling first thing as R's first appt is off but I might still go through early. I dont really need to be there today so not sure what I will do. There really is no need for my post in the summer other than for the occasional few hours here and there.

Ive got my SVQ stuff back so can get on with the gap filling and can write the last couple of RA's next week and in the weeks after that. As Moira isnt coming I now have an extra weekend at the beginning of September when i was going to see her.

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Latest reply: Aug 4, 2010

The first early morning

Well Lizzie managed to get off ok for her first 5am start. Bill is moaning about being woken up. I find his attitude really hard to take.

Our new washer has arrived this morning. Bill then has Mike G coming round to look at the idea of extending the kitchen. Im not keen but it is his money so not a lot I can do about it. I dont think he will want to spend so much so suspect it wont happen. It isnt the having a bigger kitchen that is a problem but the impact on the house of the building work.

Im off to Stirling for work today and then to do a couple of things when I finish with Richard. I then need to come home and fill in the application form for OU for teaching on a course starting in October. I started it last night but couldnt work out how to save it so need to start again tonight.

Tomorrow is more of the same with bookends of medical stuff with R.

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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2010

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