This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Going Home

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I lost my entry yesterday due to the computer going blue screen just at the point i was going to post.

I will catch up on what I had done when I get home

Just heard from M that the offer from Cambridge isnt as high as she had hoped so she is unlikely to come. Personally i think that she should take it as she hasnt got a job after october but easy for me to say as Im not having to sell up and move a dog and a teenager half way around the world.

Im having crumpets for breakfast. I am desperate to get home and get on with more coursework but Bill isnt even up yet and has all his packing to do. as usual he has brought a huge amount of stuff that he then didnt use.

Going Home

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh well, we didnt get going until quite late so now Im too tired to work. We still went to Killhope and had a walk. Marge came with Kirsty as well and then we had lunch. We were home for 5 and had various jobs to do of the kind that as usual reminded me why I hate going away as it just leaves more to do on return. After doing the jobs I went and had a lovely sleep.

Lizzie is staying at Cameron's for the week so that is one less person at home although Chris is off for the week ( and going to Oban for a few days).

The only day that Im going out this week is wednesday when Im going to Stirling. The rest of the week Im going to be working on my course and typing up the reports from the QA visits. Chris is going to help me with them. Ive got Anne, Lesley and Hilary coming on Tuesday so that we can discuss our proposed new business venture.

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