This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Bad start to the day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Bill moaned so much about the alarm being set so that I could get up with lizzie that last night I didnt set it and she was meant to wake me so that i could then make her a cuppa. As it was she didnt wake up until 10 mins after she was meant to be there. Im sure it happens all the time when people start the earlies but she was mortified. I will set the alarm tomorrow as Bill wont be here and will have to work out what to do Friday. I could set the alarm and then ring her I suppose. Sat she is off and Sunday doesnt start until 6am!!!!!!

Today is a bit bitty. I no longer need to go to Stirling first thing as R's first appt is off but I might still go through early. I dont really need to be there today so not sure what I will do. There really is no need for my post in the summer other than for the occasional few hours here and there.

Ive got my SVQ stuff back so can get on with the gap filling and can write the last couple of RA's next week and in the weeks after that. As Moira isnt coming I now have an extra weekend at the beginning of September when i was going to see her.

Bad start to the day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Ive now used the new washer. It is an updated version of the old one and is much quieter. Bill and Lizzie had already worked their way through several loads of washing each first but I got my stuff in this morning. Now on line. Wonder if it will actually dry.

I need to speak to Chris to see if he will do some work for me next week typing up some of my AH stuff. If he wont seeing as he isnt exactly broke at the moment Im going to see if Alice will do it as I really need to get it done and away. She is going to do all my photocopying as well. Hooray for gap years.

Bad start to the day

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Nightmare. I just got locked in the store when I went for loo roll. Had visions of getting left all night and no phone. Luckily I remembered about the fire door and got let back in by PLUS.

Off to see some clubs and then to get Richard

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