This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

The first early morning

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well Lizzie managed to get off ok for her first 5am start. Bill is moaning about being woken up. I find his attitude really hard to take.

Our new washer has arrived this morning. Bill then has Mike G coming round to look at the idea of extending the kitchen. Im not keen but it is his money so not a lot I can do about it. I dont think he will want to spend so much so suspect it wont happen. It isnt the having a bigger kitchen that is a problem but the impact on the house of the building work.

Im off to Stirling for work today and then to do a couple of things when I finish with Richard. I then need to come home and fill in the application form for OU for teaching on a course starting in October. I started it last night but couldnt work out how to save it so need to start again tonight.

Tomorrow is more of the same with bookends of medical stuff with R.

The first early morning

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I am glad to be home. I have decided not to apply for the OU job and will wait until the main application season starts in September.

Cameron's bike has been found

Lizzie has survived her first shift

Bill has restrung the washing line

I have won afternoon tea for 2 at the Atholl Palace

I had a meeting with Lesley which was very helpful ( I hope for both of us)

I did the last of J's observations

Tonight Im going to pack

Tomorrow R has only got 1 appt now so my first appt is now 11.15. He had some great news while I was there so we put off booking the hotel for his London trip as now it will be longer.

The first early morning

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

I have given back the prize.

Im not going to apply for the census job either. Ive totally lost confidence since I moved departments and cant face applying for anything. Not sure what to do. I want a miracle I suppose.

Moira cant come which is a bummer. I only realised when I got to the very end of her last email.Still AM is ok for Saturday which is good.

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