This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A lovely day off

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I woke up to find the sun was splitting the ground

I went for a very nice swim and have then just pottered and had Finn out. He seems to have hurt one of his back legs

I am not doing much today. I am very very tired all the time

I have booked a weekend away for Bills birthday to The Marine at N Berwick. Finn is coming too.

A lovely day off

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Got a text from AMS asking if we could meet up the weekend of the 7th August so we are having lunch at The Tontine.

It is a stunning evening. Chris has mowed the lawn and I have been pottering about in the greenhouse. Lizzie and I have been doing bits and pieces of jobs.

Finn is def out of sorts although he was happy to go for a walk.

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