This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

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Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Bill is coming home today and Chris and Lizzie are off to Kendal Calling via a night at the cottage

It is very wet which is a pain in the bum as the washer died last night and I have sheets and towels unspun and on the line now

I have a meeting re my SVQ this am and will then pop in to see Richard, need to go to the office and then off to Dunblane to do an observation. Home for a while and then back down tonight for a meeting at Thornhill. I need to do the folder for tomorrow either this afternoon or first thing tomorrow morning.

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Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Morning AM!

I'm just about to roll me a fagerino.

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Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Morning pet lamb

Im embracing my inner child and having 2 eggs in a cup with butter and pepper as my dad used to make me

See you later

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Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I can eat eggs - I polished off that jar of pickled eggs with no puking. I like boiled eggs with soliders made of marmite. I like a boiled Duck Egg best. Extremely nice. We used to keep ducks on the farm and they would lay eggs for us on the middle of the lawn in the back garden. Fresh duck eggs ev'ry morn. That was very nice - pity I was living in the 17th circle of Hell at the time so couldn't really appreciate them.

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