Journal Entries

Soggy Sunday

I had a nice evening. Bill went to a leaving do. I was a bit worried about him going but Bob went as well and I think he was ok. I dropped him off and went for a swim and then to Tesco. I didnt eat properly yesterday.

I watched a bit of T in the park after the swim and a bizarre show where 4 vaguely famous people were getting married and rated each others wedddings.

I went back and collected Bill and ran Bob home as well. Bill had been talking to N and he is now pretty sure that he wont go back to work in August. I just wish the letter would come.

Lizzie went to see Shrek with Cameron. God only knows that Chris is up to seeing as he has unfriended me on FB after dropping his dad in it last weekend.

Lizzie is off to work soon but will need to go out soon as Cameron has to go to church. Bill is off for another cycle. It is a better day for it today. I havent been for my swim yet and will wait until B has gone now I think before going.

I need to do some work today but not a lot. Just get some stuff ready for tomorrow.

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Latest reply: Jul 11, 2010

Saturday 10th July

I spent yesterday pretty much as I had planned with a lovely sleep in the middle of the day ( well late afternoon really)

I took Finn out for 2 walks last night. The second because he brought me his lead so I couldnt resist it.

Bill was doing an essay yesterday but has now finished it. He is off cycling today and tomorrow. Lizzie is off today. I dont know what she is doing.

I dont know yet what Im doing today.

I need to go to town at some point and want to do at least an hour on my course. Apart from that it will just be swimming, walking Finn, reading the papers and pottering.

I have been going through my diary for the summer taking out anything that I dont need to do so as to have as much time for relaxing and catching up on work stuff as possible.

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Latest reply: Jul 10, 2010

T in the Park

It is very drizzly today

I had a fab swim with the pool to myself the whole time

I have decided not to go down south next week. Much as I would have loved to have done the 2 things I had planned it would have been too much of a clash on Wednesday and would have eaten into the time I need to work.

Im having a fairly quiet day. Im taking Chris to T in the Park this afternoon but will be just working, doing my course and pottering the rest of the day

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2010

A nice day

I am back home having been through to Dundee for a meeting with Norhan and Madhia to plan something that we are doing on Monday

I had lunch with Krysia after that. She is going into hospital next week and is also waiting for J to come home from Australia. I hope that he gets here soon as it means so much to her

It is a beautiful day. I need to do some work now but have some washing to hang out first.

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2010

Back to normal life

Well yesterday was really good.

We went to Brel first as we were a bit early

The Ub Chip was wonderful and Im so glad that I had the idea to go there.

After lunch we walked to the Kelvingrove to see The Glasgow boys exhibition which was very good

It was very wet so we took a cab to The Halt bar and reminisced over happy times spent in there

We walked back to the station and got the 18.11 train home.

I was so tired last night that I was in bed really early.

I had a cup of tea and a slice of silver wedding cake first though

Today has been an ordinary sort of day apart from having 2 runaway goldern retrievers in the car at one point

I have had a really long sleep tonight

Chris is in Stirling sorting out plans for T in the Park and Lizzie has gone through to Glasgow with Cameron for a couple of days

Bill and I have just had Finn out for a walk.

Tomorrow Im going to Dundee and having lunch with Krysia.

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Latest reply: Jul 7, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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