This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Soggy Sunday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a nice evening. Bill went to a leaving do. I was a bit worried about him going but Bob went as well and I think he was ok. I dropped him off and went for a swim and then to Tesco. I didnt eat properly yesterday.

I watched a bit of T in the park after the swim and a bizarre show where 4 vaguely famous people were getting married and rated each others wedddings.

I went back and collected Bill and ran Bob home as well. Bill had been talking to N and he is now pretty sure that he wont go back to work in August. I just wish the letter would come.

Lizzie went to see Shrek with Cameron. God only knows that Chris is up to seeing as he has unfriended me on FB after dropping his dad in it last weekend.

Lizzie is off to work soon but will need to go out soon as Cameron has to go to church. Bill is off for another cycle. It is a better day for it today. I havent been for my swim yet and will wait until B has gone now I think before going.

I need to do some work today but not a lot. Just get some stuff ready for tomorrow.

Soggy Sunday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a very nice swim

Bills cycle didnt happen as only him and Paul turned up and they both had things to do. He came home and started picking off some of the jobs on the list seeing as he is going away for 2 weeks on Tuesday night. He isnt doing it with very good grace which I find really upsetting. I would be rushing around like a scalded cat trying to get things done if I was going away for 2 weeks doing my own thing ( not that Im likley to go anywhere for 2 weeks) but it doesnt seem to bother him.

Lizzie came home from work early as it was so quiet. She has gone out for something to eat with Cameron and then they are going to the youth group at his church to watch the football.

I had a lovely sleep this afternoon. I am sleeping loads at the moment.

Soggy Sunday

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am so pleased you are getting lots of sleep.

smiley - yawn

Soggy Sunday

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

It is good isnt it? I couldnt believe that I slept until 8.30 this morning. At this rate I might stop falling asleep on your settee all the time.smiley - tea

Soggy Sunday

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

It has been a hard day. I am going to have to have a really big think

Chris came home tonight which was nice. I dont blame him, it would have been a night in a tent with nothing happening other than travelling home tomorrow. He now gets a whole day off tomorrow.

I have a bit of an odd day tomorrow. I have to go to Stirling, then have a meeting in Dunblane and then have to go to Dundee in the afternoon.

It is a pretty easy week though really. Im in Stirling M, W and F and at home T and Th. Im also in Bellshill on Friday afternoon.

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