This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

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MV Whitby May Rose

Well yesterday was really good.

We went to Brel first as we were a bit early

The Ub Chip was wonderful and Im so glad that I had the idea to go there.

After lunch we walked to the Kelvingrove to see The Glasgow boys exhibition which was very good

It was very wet so we took a cab to The Halt bar and reminisced over happy times spent in there

We walked back to the station and got the 18.11 train home.

I was so tired last night that I was in bed really early.

I had a cup of tea and a slice of silver wedding cake first though

Today has been an ordinary sort of day apart from having 2 runaway goldern retrievers in the car at one point

I have had a really long sleep tonight

Chris is in Stirling sorting out plans for T in the Park and Lizzie has gone through to Glasgow with Cameron for a couple of days

Bill and I have just had Finn out for a walk.

Tomorrow Im going to Dundee and having lunch with Krysia.

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