Journal Entries

A nice quiet Saturday

It is so weird waking up on a Saturday morning and knowing that even though I have things that need to be done they dont actually have to be done either today or tomorrow because for 7 whole weeks my time is my own to work when I want and to play when I want ( well it will be once I have taught the last class on Tuesday).

What I need to do in no particular order is :-

Assess the folder for Wednesday
Contact C and K re assessment visits in July ( and then tell Hilary)
Prepare lesson for Tuesday on Health and Safety
Type up lots of meeting notes and redo assessments and e mail them to the students
Write up my refelctive account on operational plan ( ooh have to write operational plan first)
Type up last assessment

It is a good job that I can tell the difference between the different types of assessments that I need to work on. We are very good at using one word with several meanings in English.

The week ahead looks like this


Working at home in the morning

Montrose afternoon and evening


am Dundee ( and need to go to SSSC for leaflets)

pm working at home


Anthony Gormely scuplture walk

pm Assessment visit in Galashiels


Stirling all day


I havent decided yet but should really work on my SVQ if I havent already done any earlier in the week

I think I will try to work as much as possible this week seeing as I do still have some structured work to do ( Stirling break up SO early) and can then go more into downtime mode the other weeks.

I want to make really good use of this summer. I dont think I have ever had a summer without going on holiday so have never had this amount of time to play with.

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2010

End of term. Blank piece of paper

I am so glad that it is the end of term as the last few weeks have been so busy

Over the summer I want to lose weight and up my exercise, finish my SVQ 4 and relax and recharge.

Today I have a rather nice day ahead

Couple of meetings first thing

Seeing R ( and hoping to go out to the Smith cafe for a cuppa)

Going to see the new ROSC premises

Popping in to the smoothie making workshop at Fallin

Meeting with Anne re my SVQ 4

Going to see Nick Cave at the Book Festival

I took Finn for a lovely walk late last night. He is so easy to take out now.

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2010

Home again home again jiggitty jog

I have had a fab trip to Edinburgh and London. Some things just work and this trip really did.

I am tired now.

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Latest reply: Jun 23, 2010

Chris is back, Anthony Gormley tonight

Well the boy got back late last night and came and regaled us with tales of his trip. He had the most brilliant time in Denmark. I must remind him that if he is coming to see Nick Cave with me on Friday that he needs to be off work again.

It is a nice morning if a bit misty

This morning I will go to Dundee for my class

I will then come home and eat lunch

I will then go to Stirling for a bit

Then I will drive to Edinburgh and go to a talk ( having met Bill)

After that we will go and eat somewhere

Tonight we will sleep at the TL at Edinburgh airport

Tomorrow morning I will be up at the crack of dawn and be off to London

Bill will then go and meet Barry and Mike who are up here cycling so that will be nice as he hasnt seen Mike for ages.

Tomorrow night I will be home and no doubt totally shattered.smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jun 22, 2010

A new week

Well my stress and anxiety levels are sky high despite the lovely weekend.

My aide memoire for myself for the week

Today I have to do

NPA class this morning
Lunch with Mandy and Amanda
Meeting with a nursery
Club visits
Shop for tonights event
NPA/Outdoor play event ( must speak to Anne re project for Falkirk)


Dundee in morning

Get stuff ready for London

Stirling in afternoon

Edinburgh in evening for Anthony Gormley talk




Dundee literary festival

Womens Centre graduation ceremony


Stirling all day ( havent got a cunning plan yet apart from seeing Anne re my SVQ)

Nick Cave in the evening

It is a very good combination of activities but somehow a bit too busy really.

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Latest reply: Jun 21, 2010

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