This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A new week

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well my stress and anxiety levels are sky high despite the lovely weekend.

My aide memoire for myself for the week

Today I have to do

NPA class this morning
Lunch with Mandy and Amanda
Meeting with a nursery
Club visits
Shop for tonights event
NPA/Outdoor play event ( must speak to Anne re project for Falkirk)


Dundee in morning

Get stuff ready for London

Stirling in afternoon

Edinburgh in evening for Anthony Gormley talk




Dundee literary festival

Womens Centre graduation ceremony


Stirling all day ( havent got a cunning plan yet apart from seeing Anne re my SVQ)

Nick Cave in the evening

It is a very good combination of activities but somehow a bit too busy really.

A new week

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

All went well today

It is a lovely evening

I need to get sorted for going to London

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