This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Chris is back, Anthony Gormley tonight

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well the boy got back late last night and came and regaled us with tales of his trip. He had the most brilliant time in Denmark. I must remind him that if he is coming to see Nick Cave with me on Friday that he needs to be off work again.

It is a nice morning if a bit misty

This morning I will go to Dundee for my class

I will then come home and eat lunch

I will then go to Stirling for a bit

Then I will drive to Edinburgh and go to a talk ( having met Bill)

After that we will go and eat somewhere

Tonight we will sleep at the TL at Edinburgh airport

Tomorrow morning I will be up at the crack of dawn and be off to London

Bill will then go and meet Barry and Mike who are up here cycling so that will be nice as he hasnt seen Mike for ages.

Tomorrow night I will be home and no doubt totally shattered.smiley - smiley

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Chris is back, Anthony Gormley tonight

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