This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Home again home again jiggitty jog

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I have had a fab trip to Edinburgh and London. Some things just work and this trip really did.

I am tired now.

Home again home again jiggitty jog

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Off to Dundee today

First of all Alan Warner at the litfest and then the graduation at DIWC

I woke up with a terrible cough but think that as it has cleared that it must have just been caused by the bedroom windows being shut

I woke at 4.30 despite my mega long day yesterday

Im going to go back to bed now

I have dealt with most of my outstanding e mails

I am going to get to grips with my diet today. I want to get back to healthy eating and have decided that today is the day. I have the summer stretching ahead of me so no excuse for eating badly.

Home again home again jiggitty jog

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Today has been nice

I pottered about mainly this morning

Headed through to Dundee fairly early and sat on the steps of the event venue. Met Andy's mam so had a chat to her

Alan Warner was great. His writing is so funny but also as was observed by Kirsty Gunn who I assume knows these things seeing as she is a Professor of Creative Writing he is a really good writer. Even I had worked that out while he was reading. He was warm and funny.

I then went up to DIWC to try and catch the end of the graduation but they had raced through it and it was over. I got some beautiful flowers which i wasnt exepcting and chatted to some of the students

Went back down and got Bill and we went to the cafe at the Botanics before heading home. I felt so tired and went for a lovely sleep

Chris has gone round to Kirsten and Heather's. Lizzie is at work, Bill is gardening and Im going to have a nice quiet evening reading last weekends papers I think

Home again home again jiggitty jog

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

You didn't start a new entry today - you tagged onto the old one.

Have a nice evening.

Home again home again jiggitty jog

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I think it was because the last couple of days ran into each other.

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