This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A nice quiet Saturday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

It is so weird waking up on a Saturday morning and knowing that even though I have things that need to be done they dont actually have to be done either today or tomorrow because for 7 whole weeks my time is my own to work when I want and to play when I want ( well it will be once I have taught the last class on Tuesday).

What I need to do in no particular order is :-

Assess the folder for Wednesday
Contact C and K re assessment visits in July ( and then tell Hilary)
Prepare lesson for Tuesday on Health and Safety
Type up lots of meeting notes and redo assessments and e mail them to the students
Write up my refelctive account on operational plan ( ooh have to write operational plan first)
Type up last assessment

It is a good job that I can tell the difference between the different types of assessments that I need to work on. We are very good at using one word with several meanings in English.

The week ahead looks like this


Working at home in the morning

Montrose afternoon and evening


am Dundee ( and need to go to SSSC for leaflets)

pm working at home


Anthony Gormely scuplture walk

pm Assessment visit in Galashiels


Stirling all day


I havent decided yet but should really work on my SVQ if I havent already done any earlier in the week

I think I will try to work as much as possible this week seeing as I do still have some structured work to do ( Stirling break up SO early) and can then go more into downtime mode the other weeks.

I want to make really good use of this summer. I dont think I have ever had a summer without going on holiday so have never had this amount of time to play with.

A nice quiet Saturday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I went back to bed and slept until 10

I like using this journal as a way of collecting my thoughts on what I want to do each day/week whatever. It is good to review it at the end of the day. That wasnt my intention when I started it but it has been a happy accident

I was going to go to town but then remembered that I can transfer money electronically so dont need to physically be at the bank before it shuts and also that there is an Orange Walk on today.

A nice quiet Saturday

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

I have had a nice day although havent really done much

I just pottered this morning and then went through to see Iain Banks in the afternoon. He was very lively.

I went to Tesco on the way back and somehow the night just zoomed by

I took Finn out for a last walk not long after 11 and met Lizzie who had finished work early. I took her to town after a quick shower and change as finishing early meant that she could go to Cameron's sisters boyfriends party. Chris is at Michaels birthday.

I have worked out that I dont really need to do anything tomorrow as I have Monday until 3 and then Tuesday afternoon and evening to work. Excellent.

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