Journal Entries

It was 25 years ago today

Blimey, I cant quite get my head round the idea of being married for 25 years.

Off to Glasgow to the Ubiquitous Chip for lunch. I have been there loads of times to the bar parts but never to the restaurant.

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2010

A new week

It is quite a brisk morning

Im leaving in a minute as am having the first of a series of weekly meetings with Katie

I also need to go to ROSC and to do some stuff in the office

I will go and have a cuppa with R and then head home to do some work here.

Im working my way through my jobs

This week Im going to be

Monday In Stirling

Tuesday Wedding Anniversary, going to Glasgow

Wednesday Stirling

Thursday Dundee and lunch with Krysia

Friday Working at home and taking Chris to T in the Park

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Latest reply: Jul 5, 2010

Tha Baltic

Well Im home

It was a very nice day although this morning felt a bit rushed

The meal at The Baltic was lovely and everyone seemed to have a nice time.

Bills mam has given us a silver wedding cake which feels very odd as in it feels like the sort of thing that other people would have

I drove back with Chris and Lizzie but Chris got out in Edinburgh

Finn is with Bill. Bill is going to Bishop with his mam tomorrow to sort out some financial stuff

lizzie has gone out with Cameron.

I think this is the first time I have been completley alone since we got Finn seeing as he is usually here

It is VERY windy tonight

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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2010

Going away

I stayed up really late last night and am now very tired

I have been for a swim and watered the plants in the greenhouse

I need to go to town soon and will then do some work and try to catch up on sleep

Lizzie and I will had down south tonight with Finn

It is a lovely fresh morning

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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2010

Empty house

The house felt very odd last night as Lizzie had gone to Cameron's new flat in Glasgow. She is going tonight as well and Bill and Chris are going to the cottage so I will be on my own.

Im going to try and get quite a lot of my course work done before I go away tomorrow night

This trip away tomorrow night is the last time I will be away until the end of August as things stand.

I love the thought of the summer stretching ahead of me without anything to break it up.

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Latest reply: Jul 2, 2010

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