This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Going away

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I stayed up really late last night and am now very tired

I have been for a swim and watered the plants in the greenhouse

I need to go to town soon and will then do some work and try to catch up on sleep

Lizzie and I will had down south tonight with Finn

It is a lovely fresh morning

Going away

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I went to town

I went to the bank and to get my dad a birthday present. I got him 2 books.

Last time I was in Waterstones there was a Harrier Jump Jet outside. This time there was a marching big band full of ageing hippies which isnt very Perth. It sounded fab.

I came home and had a sleep. Graeme and Lizzie took Finn for a walk while I had a sleep

I have spent 3 hours this afternoon working

Im now going to take Finn out and start to get ready to leave.

I need to go and get my dad a card and some paper to wrap his presents and to get some petrol

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