This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Empty house

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

The house felt very odd last night as Lizzie had gone to Cameron's new flat in Glasgow. She is going tonight as well and Bill and Chris are going to the cottage so I will be on my own.

Im going to try and get quite a lot of my course work done before I go away tomorrow night

This trip away tomorrow night is the last time I will be away until the end of August as things stand.

I love the thought of the summer stretching ahead of me without anything to break it up.

Empty house

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well the house isnt empty after all. Cameron had the date of the party wrong so they are here

I have had a very good day

I pottered most of the day, had a fab sleep during the afternoon, took Finn for a couple of walks, loaded all the photos that I took of the garden this morning onto Facebook, went shopping and then worked tonight.

Im just about to take Finn out again and to do a bit more work.

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