This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

End of term. Blank piece of paper

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I am so glad that it is the end of term as the last few weeks have been so busy

Over the summer I want to lose weight and up my exercise, finish my SVQ 4 and relax and recharge.

Today I have a rather nice day ahead

Couple of meetings first thing

Seeing R ( and hoping to go out to the Smith cafe for a cuppa)

Going to see the new ROSC premises

Popping in to the smoothie making workshop at Fallin

Meeting with Anne re my SVQ 4

Going to see Nick Cave at the Book Festival

I took Finn for a lovely walk late last night. He is so easy to take out now.

End of term. Blank piece of paper

Post 2

DeeKay Bee

I never normally remember my dreams but last night I woke with a start and the dream was still in my head - you were giving a talk to some little girls about fairies, what they different types were and what they each did. It seemed to make perfect sense at 2AM.

End of term. Blank piece of paper

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

and it is highly appropriate as I love fairies.

I have had a very interesting day

I went to see Mandy to get the publicity for their open day and then went for a meeting with Margery and Katie re Katies course, I had some time in the office and went and had a look at the bus which has been decorated with a rainforest theme this year. I went out to Dunblane for a meeting with Eddie just at the point that all the children were leaving for the end of the school year. I took a photo of him in the ice cream van they have made as part of their pier theme. I then went to the Smith with Richard for lunch. After that i headed out to the smoothie workshop which seemed to cheer up the tear stained children who were upset at leaving their teachers!!!!!there was a pirates and princess party going on in the nursery so i went into that for a bit. All the boys were pirates and all the girls princesses which was a bit dull. Headed through to Dundee after that for Nick Cave who was fab. So funny and sweet and nothing like his music persona.

End of term. Blank piece of paper

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

...and I had a meeting with Anne re my SVQ which I have nearly finished

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