This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Saturday 10th July

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I spent yesterday pretty much as I had planned with a lovely sleep in the middle of the day ( well late afternoon really)

I took Finn out for 2 walks last night. The second because he brought me his lead so I couldnt resist it.

Bill was doing an essay yesterday but has now finished it. He is off cycling today and tomorrow. Lizzie is off today. I dont know what she is doing.

I dont know yet what Im doing today.

I need to go to town at some point and want to do at least an hour on my course. Apart from that it will just be swimming, walking Finn, reading the papers and pottering.

I have been going through my diary for the summer taking out anything that I dont need to do so as to have as much time for relaxing and catching up on work stuff as possible.

Saturday 10th July

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I didnt go to town

I have so far today, had a sleep, read the paper, done some coursework, did a bit of work, had a phone call with Richard, exchanged lots of e mails with Moira who is still trying to decide what to do about Cambridge, chatted to Lizzie, been for 3 dog walks, one with Bill and two with just me and Finn.

Bill did his cycle ride. He is going out tonight to a leaving do. I cant remember the last time he did that. I will drop him off and then go for a swim.

It is really really wet. I have only been down the garden once today. There are absoultely tons of strawberries. Bill is going to be away for 2 weeks so I really dont know what we will do with them. I suppose I could eat them seeing as we have them.

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