This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

It really is Friday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had quite a packed day

I went for a swim

Went to Dunblane for a meeting which was a bit of a nightmare but i thought on my feet and think the situation is recovered

Went into the office and then to rosc, to Baker St and to put a funding application in

Headed through to Bellshill to do their assessment

Went back to Stirling and got Richards meds that they didnt have on Wednesday, went and got him and we went to the fab Indian again. I just hope he is ok tonight. He is worried about it all.

I got home and Chris was just going out with Micheal. Lizzie is at Cameron's. I am just about to take Finn out. He is a bit restless.

The design for the conservatory has come. I really love it and hope Bill likes it.

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It really is Friday

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