This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

I thought it was Friday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey I feel really confused today

The CR Smith man came and gave me a quote. Im going to go and have a look at the one that i like on Sunday on my way back from seeing Max in Edinburgh

I went to bed quite late, woke early and then kept falling asleep until finally waking at 10.40. I have felt a bit odd all day.

I have done some work, moved a few bits and pieces around and kind of faffed. I have more work to do tonight and will take the dog out a couple more times. I hopefully will also go for a swim

Bill got a letter today saying he has a fixed penalty fine for driving over the High Level Bridge. Nice to know that Northumbria's finest werent exepnding all their energies looking for R Moat the morning after he shot the policeman.

It is very wet today but hot now. Very odd weather.

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I thought it was Friday

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