This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Wet Wednesday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I got quite a lot done yesterday but all in lovely summer slow motion

Today was quite long

I stayed up until 1am but then was awake at 6.

I took Finn out, had breakfast, took Chris to work and did quite a lot of jobs and was still in Stirling for 9. I went out to Thornhill, back into the office for a while, off to see Jackie to get something signed, office again, Alsorts, Fun Day at Devlin Court where I held a snake. There was a really good turn out despite the awful weather. Went to ROSC and into town briefly. Oh i went to Baker St as well to drop some marked work off. I went back into the office and then went and got Richard to take him to the dr and then to the shop. I went round for a cuppa after we had shopped.

Home at 7.15 and Chris and I had pizza and watched the Simpsons. Im now waiting for the CR Smith person to arrive.

I have a few e mails to catch up on tonight but otherwise a quiet evening as Im working at home tomorrow.

Wet Wednesday

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hello AM! Peet's ML is down so I've got nowhere to go. Can I invade your Journal instead? smiley - smiley

Wet Wednesday

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Seeing as it is you my special and precious one. : )

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