This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

IPA conference

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well Im off to Dumbarton this morning with Lesley and Anne. I am picking them up at Annes at 9.15 so need to leave at 8.15 as need to get petrol and the papers.

So the plan for today is

8.15 leave

9.15 Pick up A and L

10.30-1.45 Conference and AGM

2.30 Have a summit at Doyles re our new project

4pm Pop in to see R

5pm home and get changed

6.45 leave for Stirling again

7.30 Meal for Barbara leaving/call in to see R on way home.

A bit of a busy day for a Saturday but I have tomorrow free. Away next weekend to go on the Settle/Carlisle on Friday and then to have lunch on Sat with AMS at The Tontine but then home for 2, away to N Berwick for one for Bills birthday, poss 2 if Moira comes over in which case as I have Finn that weekend we will need to work around that, then away to Berlin, then Helens wedding so hardly any time at home until late September.

IPA conference

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

IPA = India Pale Ale

International Phonetic Alphabet


IPA conference

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

but as you now know

International Play Association

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