This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A quiet day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

As I suspected yesterday was a bit much. Still I dont have days like that very often. It was enjoyable though.

I got home sometime after 11 having had a very quick pop in to see Richard on the way home.

I sat up for a short while but was in bed just before midnight.

Today I really dont have very much that I absolutely must do which is a very nice feeling. Lots of little bits and pieces of jobs and quite a lot of emails to reply to.

I love days at home so much. The garden has the sun shining on it and it looks so nice and Finn is sitting beside me looking out stirring only every now and then to go and chase a visiting pigeon.

A quiet day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey it is wet. Bill and I went for a walk along the Tay at Birnam and got ridiculously wet.

I had quite a long sleep earlier this afternoon. I was totally worn out.

Quiet evening coming up. Papers and a new Taggart.

I wonder how Chris and Lizzie are getting on. They will be home tomorrow but neither of us have heard from them since Friday. Lizzie starts her 5am shifts on Tuesday.

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