This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Off to Airdrie

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Im up early as I have work to do for an AHS visit to Airdrie this afternoon.

Yesterday went well. I saw Anne re my SVQ and am nearly finished ( hooray), went and saw Richard, did everything else on my list etc etc. I didnt see the kids when i got home as they had gone.

Bill has the dr today. He is worried as the symptoms arent going. He forgot to order the washing machine. I cant believe that given that he has come back with 2 weeks worth of clothes to wash.

I feel very relaxed over what i have to do over the next few days. Easy day today ( as long as the roadworks arent too bad), home tomorrow am and then off to Edinburgh tomorrow evening for the Impressionist Gardens opening ( via going to see the conservatory). Saturday Im picking lesley and Anne up and we are going to the IPA conference which looks great. We are going to have a meeting at Doyles re our proposed new organisation at Doyles on the way back. I will come home for a while and then back to Stirling in the evening for Barbaras leaving do which is us plus the nursery staff.

Off to Airdrie

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Give Bill directions to the nearest Laundromat and some money for the machines and a packet of washing powder in case theirs has run out. I can't believe he came home with 2 weeks' worth of laundry for you to do without a machine. It will do him some good to sit in the laundromat for a few hours. It might even encourage him to phone for a new washing machine.

Off to Airdrie

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Ha Ha. I dont do his washing ( as I suspect you well know). It died the night before he got home but yes I would have thought that he would have been motivated to get a new one asap esp as I had told him which one I thought we should go for and given him 3 print outs from different stores ( exc he hadnt been online so didnt know that). This isnt as bad as the time the washer died the day Lizzie was born. 2 babies and no washer meant that all my resolve about only using terry nappies went out of the window pdq.

Off to Airdrie

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

I have just had a busy old time on the computer. First of all I booked myself a train to Newcastle next thursday afternoon for the princely sum of £27 and then i bought a new washer for which I got 2638 clubcard points. It will be coming on Tuesday as Bill and I are going to Glasgow to meet Rosemary for lunch on Monday and C and L wont be back.

I had a very good afternoon. Went to Oscars Playscheme in Airdrie which was fab. I love it when I visit a really good service.

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