This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Another lovely day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

It is absolutley lovely today

Im teaching at 12. Didnt need to get to Stirling before that unless R needed a lift and he isnt going so having some time working at home. In my role as unofficial WRVS driver I am now however taking Bill to the hospital for an appt at the Orthopaedic clinic but cant wait as need to get to Stirling.

Yesterday was a bit of a wash out work wise. The weather however turned out as they say nice.

I was out having elevenses with Hilary for hours putting the world to rights as usual. We went to a hotel which looks like it would be really good for meals so we will go there next month to celebrate Dave and Bills fairly close together birthdays.

A man came re a conservatory and he was here for hours. It is a better deal than the other one. Man no 3 coming today but Bill will deal with him.

After that I went for a very nice sleep. Had leek and mushroom pasta bake for dinner ( and we were all there which was nice).

Later Bill and I took Finn for a walk and then we went to Tesco

Cameron got brake fluid in his eye and was in A and E for 4 hours

Watched Wire in the Blood until 1am and then woke fairly early.

Plan for today is teach, see R, go out to Thornhill and then back to Stirling for evening meeting ( if it is on). Ive got SVQ work to do in any gaps.

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Another lovely day

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