This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Sunny, summery Sunday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

What a fab day and I will have the house to myslef to enjoy it for hours yet.

I woke up in the night but managed to get back to sleep fine. I didnt hear Lizzie go to work but was aware of Bill going out for his cycle event. Cameron was here but I woke him up and sent him off to church as dont want to upset his parents.

I slept quite late the second time but have been up and pottering and picking jobs off since then.

Im still really worn out so swithering about whether to have a whole day off rather than getting some work done. I need to get stuff ready for Dundee tomorrow at the very least.

Sunny, summery Sunday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I have felt better and better as the day has gone on

I'm down on the inch with Finn waiting for bills cycle to finish. There are80 cyclists so Finn will bevery excited. Lizzie cameron and thomas have set off to see if they can meetBill on the way. It is a lovely afternoon

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