This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

The start of a new school year

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well thats it. The holidays are over.

Yesterday was such a nice day

Just before the cyclists finished Jane and Bridget came along out for a walk in Perth with the twins who are lovely ( although they didnt wake up).

Bill was so pleased to have finished the ride and he has been asked about the possibility of more work related stuff. He keeps being asked to do things when he retires which is great. It happened on Saturday as well when he went to an event in Muirton and got asked to be a director of the local trust. Lizzie and Cameron and Thomas were also there to meet him. They had come down when I said what was happening and walked round the inch until the cycle finished. There was a reception after it which i could have gone to but not my thing. Bill got an engraved tankard for being treasurer which he wasnt expecting.

I came home and pottered. Bill got back a couple of hours later and then Chris came back. He was quite quiet but said he had had a really good time. Lizzie and Cameron set off to go to youth group but they didnt go and went to a beach on the river instead.

I read the papers and watched a new Tricks that i hadnt seen before. Failry early night and up early this morning.

im going for a swim and then off to Dundee.

I feel back on track after a few pretty rough days. I really dont know what caused that.

I wonder where I will be and what I will be doing this time next year. I really dont like uncertainty.

The start of a new school year

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Had a fab swim. It felt really good

Went through to Dundee.

I had a meeting with Nausheen and Salma and then Fatima joined us and then I had a meeting with Adelfa and Tahmina to go through the assessments with them.

Home to a lunch of quiche baked potatoes and salad

Got some work to do but think I will reply to last e mail from Moira and maybe have a sleep first

The start of a new school year

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

How exciting. Not only did we have lettuce from the garden for lunch we have had our own potatoes and green beans tonight ( with a lentil bake that I made yesterday).

Not sure what to do now as Lizzie, Cameron and Thomas are watching the Newcastle/Man U game.

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