This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I dont actually have to do anything today if I dont want to which is a very odd feeling.

I do feel as if I need to spend some time on the house and garden and to walk Finn and to go for a swim but apart from that I can choose.

I might type up another report and do some coursework or I might not. Tomorrow is the same. I try not to do too much the weekends that I am at home but usually have at least one thing that I need to do

Bill finished his essay and got it away

Lizzie has come home in her break to get Cameron and take him home. She only has one more 5am shift for now.

Im still really tired and not sure why. I dont usually wake up tired but have for the past few days. Not good.

I will probably watch Gillette Soccer Saturday and read the papers at the same time.


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I have submitted 2 reports and 2 bills

Im going to go for a swim now and will see if Bill fancies a walk along the river with the dog when i get back

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