This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A better start

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

It is nice to be back to normal

I woke early as usual and came downstiars. I had a cup of tea ( or two) , fed the dog, folded the washing, printed off some tickets etc

Im going for a swim in a minute. Later we are going up Kinnoull Hill and then this afternoon Im going to the art gallery as only found out yesterday that it is open on a Sunday in the summer.

Ive made a decision about something on Wednesday so as to maximise time for finishing SVQ. Im going to give it to Anne on Friday.

A better start

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I've had a really nice day

went for a swim which was great. Went up kinnoull hill with bill and Finn. There is a social enterprise cafe up there now and we had a cuppa and a delicious scone before setting off on the walk. They went the longer route and met me in town later. I went to the art gallery to see a Stella Steyn exhibition and a women artists exhibition. Some lovely pictures. Met Bill and we had an ice cream. Came home and had a sleep Having taken chris and cameron to the pub. We've just had a very nice curry and are now watching 55 degrees north

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