This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Another Saturday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I didn't get chance to write anything yesterday.

Another 12 Hour day

went to The Bothy with Bill and Rosemary last night. VG

Another Saturday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I always wonder if my need to do certain things is a bit OTT but I realised today that it isnt.

In the morning I usually get up, feed Finn and let him out, have a cuppa, do my e mails, have a wander round the garden etc etc for an hour or more before I need to get on with the more structured part of the day.

Today because Rosemary was here I couldnt do any of that. I got up and had a shower and then left ( with Lesley who arrived 20 mins early). I needed petrol so went to the petrol station. I went to pay for the petrol and my papers and they said I didnt have any fuel. I had completely forgotten to actually put any in. We then went through to Dundee. The event was fab, lots of people were wearing "premier" style clothes which was lovely. It gave me the idea as Lesley is so interested in film that the F in first for our proposed project should be film ( and L agreed). Very exciting.

We came back and had a cuppa in the hut and then L went home. Bill and Rosemary came home from their visit to the art galleries and then R went.

Im really tired so going to go for a sleep

Another Saturday

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

A busy day!

I hope you have a lovely sleep. I slept until about 3pm today, had tea, had sardines on toast. There's a House on at 6 on Hallmark so I'll watch that.

Another Saturday

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Thank You. It has been a very busy few days which I had been hoping to avoid this new school year. Ho hum.

Hope you are ok.

Another Saturday

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a lovely sleep and feel so much better

bill had cooked his usual range of curries which were delicious

after dinner we took Finn for a walk and are now watching Wallander

lizzie and Cameron have gone to the pictures

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