This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Imj shattered but at least the tomatoes are going read

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey Im back to the really long days already. 8 until 9 yesterday and 7 until 6.30 today. Im in the office at 8 tomorrow so leaving around 7 again. Rosemary is coming tomorrow night but she doesnt know if she is staying or not.

I had quite a late night as watched the end of a Poirot when I got in and then a Waking the Dead.

Today I went to the office, went to Falkirk and saw all my students. had a gap and then went to start a new student. Back to Stirling, well sort of in that I was in Thornhill doing the play activity that i needed to do for my svq with Anne watching me. While I was there I thought about how to structure it so as to make it more relevant to my post.

I finished there about 20 to 6 and came home the cross country way. Im never sure if it is quicker but it comes out at Dunblane so nearer home.

I got home and Bill wasnt here. I had forgotten that he is going out with Bob. Chris is going out to meet Carleen.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with Janet at 8, taking R to see Dr G at 9, back to the office after that and then out to Falkirk to see 2nd new student and also to see 3 of my current lot.

I cant decide whether to watch Mistresses.

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Imj shattered but at least the tomatoes are going read

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