This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

I am a free woman

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I was going to write a long and reflective journal entry this morning about how I am feeling post SVQ 4 but the site was down and I now dont have enough time.

Im off for a swim now and then have some time at home to sort things out re my training materials, then off to Stirling and not home until late

It is a lovely day and im off for a swim. I didnt have time yesterday and the pool was shut on Monday as no hot water for the showers.

I am a free woman

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

A good but busy day. I wasnt home until 10.20

I did my class, had a meeting at Annes, went to Fallin, went to Fintry, came back to Stirling, went to see Richard and then went out to Thornhill for an 8pm meeting.

I have quite a lot to do tomorrow but it is manageable. Falkirk, Stirling and North lanarkshire. I will see the new statue at Cumbernauld ( i hope)

I am a free woman

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Signed for the conservatory. It should be on site sometime between the middle of November and the end of December. I have realised that I wont have it for Christmas

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