This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I got loads done yesterday which was good

I woke up this morning at 3 as Bill only came to bed then and woke me up. I managed to get back to sleep and woke up at 7 ish and realised that Chris was still here so I woke him up and ran him to work. I went through to Stirling and went to Alsorts, then to the office and then did the annual review with Anne and Lesley.

At lunchtime I went to see Richard and then went out to Aberfoyle and Thornhill on the way back. Had a bit of time in the office and then had a meeting at Playhaven before going round to see Richard for a cuppa on the way home.

Ive had a quiet evening catching up on e mails mainly

Im working at home most of tomorrow. I will head through to Stirling late afternoon, call round to see Richard and then go to my evening meeting. Im not through until 12.30 on Wednesday either. It feels great to have 2 mornings to work at home.

Cameron is here. He forgot his laptop cable so has come back for it. Bill and Lizzie have been finishing her room.

My dad has got diabetes but he only knows because of a test. He hadnt had any symptoms.

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