Journal Entries


Bit of a weird morning. The person I was meant to be having a meeting with didnt turn up and Katie had forgotten we had been meant to meet to work on her project so I had a free morning which I spent sorting out my training materials. At lunchtime I went to the Golden Lion for a SWC event. Ann H was there. She is now dep secretary of the STUC and womens commissioner for Scotland on the womens national commission ( which has been disbanded in the bonfire of the quangos). Im seeing her next Sunday night when she is in perth. She told me the next womens dinner is 15th Dec so I have put it in the diary and told Hilary.

After that I went to see Richard. My last Friday visit and then went to Cambusbarron, to the office, to St Ninians and back to Richards before coming home.

We had pizza and wedges for tea. A good Friday night meal

Lizzie has gone for a meal with Laura.

I booked my tickets for the Cambridge bookfest.

Watching New Tricks tonight

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Latest reply: Oct 22, 2010


I have finally got round to writing again

I got home at 10 past 5 tonight. Bill is at his new film course in Dundee. He had made a shepherd pie which C, L and I had and he will have some when he gets home

I went into the office this am and starting typing up meeting notes, went to Falkirk, came back and went to Richard's for lunch. Went to Aberfoyle and then Thornhill. Back to office and then to B of A on way home.

Yesterday I was in the office all morning. Went to Dobbies on my own for lunch and a break. Back to office and then up to see Richard and then Alsorts meeting. Met Cameron off the train and took him to ours as he had Lizzies new lap top. I took him back to Stirling station today.

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Latest reply: Oct 21, 2010

Another busy day

God I could do with a break from the hamster wheel

Today Im off to Dundee to have the first session with my new class. It will be interesting. After that Ive got a meeting and then an observation session with 3 of last years students.

Heading through to Stirling after that. Take R to Dr's go into office and go to see June before heading back to Perth for a talk by Anthony D'Offay at the art gallery. I cant for the life of me remember what he is talking about. We saw him once when we were at a talk about Robert Mapplethorpe and he was introduced because of having given so much of his collection to the nation. It is hard to imagine how wealthy he must have been to have amasssed that collection.

Lizzie is back tonight. It is good her being away a lot as we can use her room for drying space and Chris sat on her bed and watched tv last night which wouldnt have been possible before the room got decorated and the new bed got. It will be a fab spare room when she goes.

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2010

Not enough hours

It has been a busy day

I went through to Dundee this am and then came home for lunch. I went to Dunblane to see Eddie, into the office and then to see Kirsten and then Katie. Went to see Richard and then into the office on the way home. We went out to the Chinese Buffet for tea as Bill has had an exam.

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Latest reply: Oct 18, 2010

A Sunday at home

I have quite a lot to do today so have got up to do it.

I need to sort out quite a lot of work stuff, update and send off my CV, do some work on various students work, send some e mails, work and personal and do some admin. Not too bad as I have all day to do it. I will take Finn out as well.

Ooh the programme came for the Cambridge Book Festival yesterday and I have just realised that the date that the tickets go on sale is this Friday so I need to get that sorted. Im going to an SWC meeting at just the point the tickets go on sale which is a bummer but Im really interested in the meeting so will just have to try and get tickets after the meeting.

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Latest reply: Oct 17, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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