This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Bit of a weird morning. The person I was meant to be having a meeting with didnt turn up and Katie had forgotten we had been meant to meet to work on her project so I had a free morning which I spent sorting out my training materials. At lunchtime I went to the Golden Lion for a SWC event. Ann H was there. She is now dep secretary of the STUC and womens commissioner for Scotland on the womens national commission ( which has been disbanded in the bonfire of the quangos). Im seeing her next Sunday night when she is in perth. She told me the next womens dinner is 15th Dec so I have put it in the diary and told Hilary.

After that I went to see Richard. My last Friday visit and then went to Cambusbarron, to the office, to St Ninians and back to Richards before coming home.

We had pizza and wedges for tea. A good Friday night meal

Lizzie has gone for a meal with Laura.

I booked my tickets for the Cambridge bookfest.

Watching New Tricks tonight

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