This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A Sunday at home

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I have quite a lot to do today so have got up to do it.

I need to sort out quite a lot of work stuff, update and send off my CV, do some work on various students work, send some e mails, work and personal and do some admin. Not too bad as I have all day to do it. I will take Finn out as well.

Ooh the programme came for the Cambridge Book Festival yesterday and I have just realised that the date that the tickets go on sale is this Friday so I need to get that sorted. Im going to an SWC meeting at just the point the tickets go on sale which is a bummer but Im really interested in the meeting so will just have to try and get tickets after the meeting.

A Sunday at home

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I got quite a lot done and then took Finn for a walk with Bill. Im now going to go for a sleep before sorting out my work stuff

Spag Bol for tea.

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