This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Another busy day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

God I could do with a break from the hamster wheel

Today Im off to Dundee to have the first session with my new class. It will be interesting. After that Ive got a meeting and then an observation session with 3 of last years students.

Heading through to Stirling after that. Take R to Dr's go into office and go to see June before heading back to Perth for a talk by Anthony D'Offay at the art gallery. I cant for the life of me remember what he is talking about. We saw him once when we were at a talk about Robert Mapplethorpe and he was introduced because of having given so much of his collection to the nation. It is hard to imagine how wealthy he must have been to have amasssed that collection.

Lizzie is back tonight. It is good her being away a lot as we can use her room for drying space and Chris sat on her bed and watched tv last night which wouldnt have been possible before the room got decorated and the new bed got. It will be a fab spare room when she goes.

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Another busy day

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