This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I have finally got round to writing again

I got home at 10 past 5 tonight. Bill is at his new film course in Dundee. He had made a shepherd pie which C, L and I had and he will have some when he gets home

I went into the office this am and starting typing up meeting notes, went to Falkirk, came back and went to Richard's for lunch. Went to Aberfoyle and then Thornhill. Back to office and then to B of A on way home.

Yesterday I was in the office all morning. Went to Dobbies on my own for lunch and a break. Back to office and then up to see Richard and then Alsorts meeting. Met Cameron off the train and took him to ours as he had Lizzies new lap top. I took him back to Stirling station today.

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