This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a very nice day yesterday

I got some things in town that I was pleased with and then spent the rest of the day pottering, sorting things out for work, reading the papers as predicted, watched a bit of tele and was in bed by 10. Oh and I took Finn out a couple of times and booked some hotels for a trip to London and Eastbourne for a conference in March. By extending the trip I can get to quite a few exhibitions.

Today Im going to go for a swim and will take Finn out this morning and maybe do some work. After lunch Im going through to Stirling to help Richard pack his stuff for SA and also to sort out some of his paperwork etc. I will come home for dinner and to watch a bit of tele before the working week starts again.


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well Richard and I did everything that we meant to ( with a slight variation). It doesnt seem like 2 minutes since we spent weeks putting the flat together and now it is all coming apart again and going across the world.

Had a nice walk this morning although I would have liked a longer one. I should have just gone on my own as I was ready ages before we went.

Ive already got everything ready for work and am going to have dinner, read the paper and watch taggart.

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