This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Friday hoorah

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well the weather is a bit better today

I am having a day working at home. Doing a new thing, internal verification.

My big news is that my certificate came from SQA yesterday which I am really thrilled about.

Yesterday was fine although the weather was quite scary and Im glad that I am a good way through the Falkirk visits as going there takes a massive chunk out of the day.

Oh well better go and do something useful ( like go for a swim). This time next week we will hopefully just have taken off for Spain. Very exciting. I have never been so far south before. Im trying not to think too much about the possibility of going to Tangiers on Saturday in case it doesnt happen

Friday hoorah

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Congrats re certificate! smiley - magicsmiley - biggrin

Friday hoorah

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Thank You. As you know I knew I had passed but actually getting the certificate was fab. Im doing a new thing workwise today which is very good ( as in another string to my bow)

Friday hoorah

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

It has been a very productive day. I had a good swim although will have to stop going in the jacuzzi as my skin is getting a rash again

I have done the weekend housework ( even Chris said how nice the room looked tonight when he came in as I had lots of candles lit) and had polished everywhere.

I did the internal verification work which i enjoyed and then Anne came and we had a meeting about it and she gave me feedback on my marking.

After she had gone we had tea and then I took Finn out for quite a long walk. Going to watch New Tricks at 9. Bill and Chris are both ill. Both are going away tomorrow so I hope they are well enough. Lizzie and Cameron will be home soon.

A very funny thing happened. I bought some perfume on Tuesday in Glasgow and as usual filled in a contact card. Today I got a hand written embossed card thanking me for my custom. I love that shop. Im going to buy a candle from it for the conservatory as a treat to myself.

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