This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Sunday in Malaga

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Had a long day yesterday.

Big hotel breakfast and then a sleep after waking up early

we took the city tour which gave a good overview.

Got off bus and went to picasso's birthplace museum which was very interesting ESP for seeing the work of an Argentinian artist called Berni who was new to me

went to the Picasso museum which was sperm both as a building and in terms of the exhibitions. There was one on toys and avant garde art which was very interesting

it wAs too early to eat at that point as nowhere open until about 8.30 and so we went back to hotel and then out again

went to a fab veggie restaurant in the same square as the Picasso birthplace

had 3 fab food experiences yesterday. The salmon and spinach pasty type thing I had in a bar, carrot cake at Picasso museum and chick pea soup and stuffed aubergine at veggie restaurant

off out on tour bus this am to go fir a walk alo g beach boardwalk

the weather has been great

Sunday in Malaga

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Have a lovely day in Malaga.

I've got the day off today and am wondering how to spend it.

Perchance a trip to the mall.

smiley - smiley

Sunday in Malaga

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Had a lovely day.

Took the tour bus right round again so as to go up the hill and get the view. Got off and crossed big square with performers and got on another tour bus to the beach area. Walked along beach for about an hour and stopped at a beach cafe. It was so hot it was ridiculous. Got bus back into town and went to modern art gallery then back here for a sleep

off out to eat later. Funny to think bill is staying another week

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