Journal Entries

Snow Day 4

How weird. I thought I had written my journal for today earlier

Today I mainly did the marking for my Dundee group

Tomorrow Im going to do the OSC bit of the Falkirk ones and write up the paperwork for the new Dundee group having already marked them last week before I went away.

When those are done I can look at the Business Plan for Play First.

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Latest reply: Dec 3, 2010

Snow day 3

I had a really bad night because of my sore ear. I have had a lovely sleep this evening which has made up for it.

Another day at home. I spent it working on the report for the OSC club in Helensburgh.

Tomorrow I will do some marking.

Bill and Lizzie went out as he needed his medication. They also went to Tesco so we now have plenty of food again.

I dont know what Im going to do tonight. Im not feeling very lively.

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Latest reply: Dec 2, 2010

Another snow day

More snow has fallen overnight. Chris is meant to be going to Scone but it is hard to see that it will be open. He would have to walk and they have said he can claim the time but still. I hope he doesnt go.

Lizzie took my car yesterday but has decided to go back to walking as the snow was so bad.

I need to do some more work on my job application form and also to type up the BASIC report.

Finn managed to pull the curtain at the back of the living room down last night as he dashed in from the garden and somehow got caught up in it so now I have a lovely view of the snow.

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Latest reply: Dec 1, 2010

A snow day

Well yesterday was eventful

The train up from London was a bit snow because they had to go at 80mph because of the weather. There was a stunning view of Holy Island though.

There was a group of Chinese and Taiwanese young people all heading up to St Andrews for their post grad graduation ceremony today. Their photos will be something else as the young woman from Taiwan who was siting with me said she had never seen snow until she came here to study last year.

Edinburgh was very slushy and I walked up Princes St looking for the airport bus only to discover it leaves from outside the station so I had to trudge all the way back ( and missed 2 buses as a result)

When I got to the airport my car was really deep in snow so luckily for me the shuttle bus driver came over and dug me out, joined later by a colleague as it was such a job

I headed for Stirling as needed to get Richard's keys into the estate agent. I never dreamt when I decided to leave them till yesterday so as to keep collecting his post that it would be so hard to travel on that day. As it was I didnt risk going to the flat for one last post collection. I just dashed in with the keys. So that is that chapter in my life over.

Decided againt going in to the office and headed up the road. I thought it was going to be ok but at Cairnie Braes I got caught up in a massive queue and was there for over 3 hours. I was so touched by a couple who live close to the A9 carrying tea and coffee along for people. I didnt want any but thanked them profusely for what they were doing. They said it happens all the time. I had Bill yelling at me on the phone for having gone to Stirling but as I pointed out to him he wouldnt not do something that he had said he would. As it was the M90 was also shut so I would have been stuck whichever way I came.

I got all the way home by 9.15 but then couldnt get into the street as there was so much snow so all the family came out to help.

Heaven knows when I will next get out. I have cancelled all my work until Thursday and have plenty to do. The first task is going to be the job application for NDNA and I also have my appraisal with Anne to prepare for, some marking to do, an AHS to write up, loads of e mails to reply to and the PDA class on Thursday to prepare for ( yes Im doing another course).

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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2010

Trying to get home

I slept until after 6 in a lovely comfy bed. I'm going to get up and head out to catch a train north which will cost £135.

I've got to get to Edinburgh , then get to the airport for my car and then head to Stirling to hand Richards keys in.

I've cancelled my Dundee class tomorrow and am cancelling my classes tonight and Wednesday.

This has never happened to me before.

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2010

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