This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Trying to get home

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I slept until after 6 in a lovely comfy bed. I'm going to get up and head out to catch a train north which will cost £135.

I've got to get to Edinburgh , then get to the airport for my car and then head to Stirling to hand Richards keys in.

I've cancelled my Dundee class tomorrow and am cancelling my classes tonight and Wednesday.

This has never happened to me before.

Trying to get home

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Everyone will understand the class cancelling. It's an ill wind! And it's sick snow! And it's poorly cold! smiley - winkeye

Trying to get home

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Yes no one will want to travel. I have plenty of work I can get on with at home.

Trying to get home

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

If I ever get home of course. They didn't clear the roads in Perth yesterday so no taxis or buses.

Trying to get home

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I'm now on a very warm and comfortable train heading for Edinburgh which is a relief

Trying to get home

Post 6


If you can't make Perth and get the length of Dundee, WR, I'm only a ten minute trudge(give or take a blizzard or two) and you're more than welcome to a comfy sofa bed for the night!smiley - teasmiley - cake

Trying to get home

Post 7


Hope you made it home safely!

My bike brakes were still frozen this morning, so I got a taxi in to work - it started snowing heavily 5 minutes into the journey ... ended up taking longer than it would have taken me to walk, and cost £12! smiley - grr

There was another sprinkling of snow this afternoon, but I stayed after work for a seminar and dinner, and by the time I got home (another taxi, but shared with my boss, who paid) it was not quite as cold as last night. Will have to see if the brakes work in the morning.

Trying to get home

Post 8

MV Whitby May Rose

Thank you Shesings. That was so kind of you.

Annie. I hope you unfreeze soon. I was so pleased to see the tree btw after hearing you talk about it and the event sounds fab. I hope it all goes really well. I will be thinking of you from deepest Middlesbrough where I will be next weekend visiting my parents. By chance the friend who used to live in Catherine St e mailed while I was stuck in the traffic to see how I was a la the snow. She will be surprised when I tell her that I was not actually at home in the snow but on my way back slowly from Cambridge.

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