Journal Entries

A false start

I was up at stupid o clock as usual but went back to bed and am not up yet

Off to Stirling today

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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2010

A not having to do any work sort of Sunday

Ysterday went really quickly.

I went for a sleep after I got back from town and then did a bit of housework and shopping and took the dog out far mor briefly than I would have liked but there was nowhere to walk that wasnt really icy.

Hilary and Dave came round and we settled on a date and venue for our rearranged meal ( seeing as we cant got this Friday but that suits me as it means I can go to the Christmas do at PLUS and also get some more work done in Stirling.

After they had gone I read the paper and then had a lovely pasta dish that Bill had cooked and watched a Wallander film. Different actors but I quickly got used to that.

Oh I watched Strictly and X Factor. Not the same without Richard.

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Latest reply: Dec 12, 2010

A going to town sort of Saturday

I got up and headed into town to do a bit of Christmas shopping, mam, dad ,Peter and another thing each for Moira and Nancy to put in their alread too late for Christmas posting packages.

I got Tricia a birthday card plus the Guardian, the Big Issue and a new set of diary pages

Im going to take the dog out and Hilary is coming at some point.

No normal internet connection this am. I have finally got in just now using IE.

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Latest reply: Dec 11, 2010

Christmas Lunch

Well I didnt get to Baker Street because of the snow so I met Anne and lesley at Dobbies and we had our meeting there.

I went to Playhaven and then headed home. Ive moved the laptop upstairs in preparation for the Xmas hols as no doubt the tv will be on the whole time. I am dreading it. I hate being off when there are other people in the house and everyone exc Lizzie will be.Cameron will be here even when she isnt so the house is going to be very busy. I should be a hermit and live in a cave. Bill wont be able to go anywhere as wont be able to drive after his op so it is all a bit dire really. I will work as much as poss but would prefer to have some nice relaxing time off on my own.

Off to Stirling today for the Christmas lunch at the Riverhouse. I might do a couple of club visits after that and will then head home. Chris is going to Stirling tonight for a party. He had to take a santa present so has made some Xmas cd's with home made covers. They are fab.

Bill isnt going to the cottage as he is working on the bathroom.

I need to see Hilary tomorrow for her to sign the companies house forms otherwise a free weekend.

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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2010

The temperature rises

Today it is supposed to be only -1 and I am delighted by the fact that the cars arent even wet this am

Bill has just gone out in mine as Chris slept in and needs a lift as far as town

I have put a load of washing in and am having tea and crumpets

Today I have to attempt to get to Baker St to drop off all the marked work of the last 2 weeks. I then need to get some new stuff to IV.

I will be heading home early afternoon again

Im looking forward to the weekend as I wont have to work which is bliss. I need to sort out Christmas presents and get stuff off to people. I have all my cards, just need to sit down and write them.

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Latest reply: Dec 9, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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