This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

The temperature rises

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Today it is supposed to be only -1 and I am delighted by the fact that the cars arent even wet this am

Bill has just gone out in mine as Chris slept in and needs a lift as far as town

I have put a load of washing in and am having tea and crumpets

Today I have to attempt to get to Baker St to drop off all the marked work of the last 2 weeks. I then need to get some new stuff to IV.

I will be heading home early afternoon again

Im looking forward to the weekend as I wont have to work which is bliss. I need to sort out Christmas presents and get stuff off to people. I have all my cards, just need to sit down and write them.

The temperature rises

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Bill is decorating Chris and Lizzie bathroom ( and I suppose Cameron's seeing as he is living here at the moment).

He is working his way round the house but wont be able to do anything for a while after he has his operation I suppose.

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